
Kamis, Mei 31, 2012

Types of Public Policy

Public policy there are several kinds of species:A. Substantive and procedural Politic, a policy seen from the substance and policy issues facing views of the parties involved in the formulation (policy stakeholders)
2. Distributive,
     redistributive and Regulatory Poicies, a policy that sets out:Provision of services / benefits        to individuals, groups, companiesFor example: Policies to protect the local batik productsThe transfer of the allocation of wealth, property or rightsFor example: The policy of land ownershipRestriction / prohibition against the actions / measuresFor example: Policies regarding the prohibition of owning and using firearms, alcohol, addictive substances and psychotropic substances, trade in endangered animals / protected state.
3. Materials Policy, 
    a policy regarding the allocation / provision of material resources for the real recipients.For      example: The policy of making a simple house (Type 21) for every developer who will make the housing complex, simple flats (Rusunawa) for residents who live in very dense settlements, anti-quake houses for earthquake victims
4. Public goods and private goods policies
:Public Good Policies, a policy regarding the provision of goods / services by the government, for the public good.For example: a policy of security protection (wear a helmet and lights for bikers, wearing seat belts for car drivers, the availability of fire extinguishers for each building including water hidrant), the policy regarding the provision of public services and comfort (well, a policy that distinguishes transport services VIP class, business class or economy class, the policy provision of public roads, highways and making the opening of the overpass)Private Good Policies, a policy regarding the provision of goods / services by the private sector, to individual interests / perorangaan on the open market in exchange for a fee.For example: the provision of places of entertainment / tourism, hotel, restaurant, villa, resort, swimming pool of fresh water, sea water swimming pool, taxi.In addition there is a policy on public goods if the goods or services, including the category of private goods, but is part of the public services, it is called a Publicly Provided Private Goods means private goods provided by the state. For example: the provision of tourist attractions that run the local government

Senin, Mei 28, 2012


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