Today almost all countries declared themselves as state law, in other words, state law is a common type of state which is owned by the nations of the world so that the present historical stage, it is difficult to imagine the state not as a state of law, because any country that does not want excluded from the association of the international community will at least formally declared himself as the state law.It is then appointed by I Nyoman Suyatna in his dissertation, entitled "General Principles of Good Governance in Local Rule Formation".This dissertation Suyana speech delivered in the exam on Friday (5/8) on the 6th floor of the Law Faculty Building.Research carried out by using the method of normative legal research is then produced three major studies as a result of analysis of the issues raised by Suyatna. The first study analyzes the regional regulation (law) is the basis for the regional administration in the region, so that legislation can be the basis of good local government organization then, its formation must be done well. To form a good law, it filoosfis, theoretical, legal, practical and economical, local governments must use any general principles of good governance as a cornerstone in the establishment of the law. Furthermore, in pembantukan local regulations, see the problematic behavior of actors both roles (role occupant) and the implementing agencies are authorized to carry out the establishment of local regulations (implementing agency).And the latter is the opposite of the differences between the legal principle of the rule of law, the category placement of the general principles of good governance as a principle of law is different when compared with the general principles of good governance as a norm.
reconstruction of the numbering of Article 20 of Law No.32 of 2004, by setting the general principles of good governance are consistently within 7 (seven) according to the principles set forth in Article 3 of Law No. 28 of 1999. Furthermore it is also suggested to amend the law governing the formation of legislation that the Act No.. 10 of 2004 by adding the substance of the general principles of good governance as a requirement that must be considered in the formation of legislation, in addition to the requirements of formal and material requirements as specified in Article 5 and Article 6 of Law No. 10 Tahun2004.
reconstruction of the numbering of Article 20 of Law No.32 of 2004, by setting the general principles of good governance are consistently within 7 (seven) according to the principles set forth in Article 3 of Law No. 28 of 1999. Furthermore it is also suggested to amend the law governing the formation of legislation that the Act No.. 10 of 2004 by adding the substance of the general principles of good governance as a requirement that must be considered in the formation of legislation, in addition to the requirements of formal and material requirements as specified in Article 5 and Article 6 of Law No. 10 Tahun2004.